I am a musician and script writer so if anyone like to collaborate please, just send a message!

Age 32, Male


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This is just the first page and introduction to a script I am currently writing called Manhatten if you want to use it please ask.

The sweat accumulated on the brow of the soldier as the ship neared the island. He was about twenty-seven, and stood at six foot, three inches. His dark hair was matted under his helmet, and you could see the fear in his deep green eyes. This soldier had no name, not anymore, none of the twenty soldiers among the ship did. To his commanders he was D-15, the
D stood for his unit, the 15 was his assigned number.
The year was 1956, the fifth of June. The ship was headed for a Ghost Land, a military zone where an atomic android was dropped during the Second World War. The android, code named "Fat Man", was dropped onto this settlement. The android was used as an ultimate weapon against the Japanese. Fat Man cleared the town of intelligent life in two days, even the Americans who built it fell under its mighty hands.
After three days the android was suppose to self-destruct, but someone purposely damaged the self-destruct mechanism. All that was known about the soldier who did this was his code name, code name: Manhattan. Do to this certain Unknown Soldier's actions; three previous units of men had died by Fat Man. After the unit known as "B" was defeated, the United Nations brought together the world powers to send men to destroy the indestructible android. Unit C was gone in three days. Now we begin here, with unit D as their ship docks onto the Ghost Land.
The air was filled with the smell of salt and ash. The remains of a fallen city lay just beyond the bay. There was no sound but the grinding of gears as the small ship lowered the front gate. Number 15 shook as the man in front of him began to step off of the ship. His time had come, he had to swallow his fear and move out. He stepped out where the stench of burning wood filled his nostrils as bits of sand and ash hit his face.
When the rest of the troops had exited the ship, the group began to move. 15 looked at his surroundings as they walked, but was disgusted by the sight. As they exited the beach he had seen numerous charred bodies, the slaughtered soldiers, and the rest of the chaos left behind. After seventeen minutes or so of walking, they had reached the city's edge. Here it lay, as said in the tales, the destroyed city Nagasaki.
Number 15 retold the stories in his head, "Wow," he thought, "The one place I feared to go, and here it is in front of my eyes". His heart began to beat furiously and he was hit by a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach. Since he had joined the Service, he prayed everyday not to be sent to Nagasaki. He got the assignment three months earlier, a week before unit C was destroyed. His recruiter said to him, "Son, I got some news, and you aren't going to like it."
That was the last moment he felt anything, right up until the door opened to reveal this waste land. At that moment he felt the same thing he did in the office, fear.
They arrived at the "Safe Zone" at 14:00. The so-called "Safe Zone" was a partially burned down school house just outside the town limits. Quickly the soldiers built up a camp inside the building. At 17:00, they made their first trip into what was known as "Dead Ground".
Number 15's hands shook as he entered a charred store, scanning for movement. Just as he went to close the door, he noticed something out of the coroner of his eye. He stepped into the building and walked towards the north wall. He pulled out a small lighter, as he struck it light flooded the wall,he could clearly see the writing. It was a simple message, just stating,"I am so sorry, but you deserved this." It was signed with a carved signature, Manhattan.

Its pretty intense :]

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